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All About Scapes

Garlic scapes are the flower stalks of the garlic plant. They are a delicious, versatile addition to any kitchen and offer numerous health benefits. 

Health Benefits of Garlic Scapes

Scapes are high in vitamin C and antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and boost immunity. Additionally, they contain allicin, which has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Eating garlic scapes can also help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as improve digestion.

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Cooking with Garlic Scapes

Scapes have a milder flavor than garlic cloves, making them perfect for raw applications like salads or pesto, or for cooking with. Whether you sauté, bake, or grill them, garlic scapes add a unique flavor to any dish.

Garlic Scape Recipes

Check out some of our favorite recipes using garlic scapes!

More to come soon.

Homemade Pesto Recipe Using Garlic Scapes

Have a recipe to share? 

We'd love to hear from you! Send us your favorite ways to cook with Garlic Scapes below.

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